This Is Who We Are....

RIOT is a skate company located in Sherwood Park, Canada. We've been around for almost 4 years now and have decided to start shipping Canada wide!! We have a gnarly skate team that tears up the parks and streets around Edmonton. Every season we're possessed to skate and bust out a film trip so get stoked for upcoming links! But enough with theatrics. In reality, we just love what we do. We're not in it for the money or fame, women or popularity. We shred because it's what gets us away from a fucked up world. Too often we look around and see these mainstream, sell out skate brands and it makes us cringe. When brands start rally driving rather than skating. Starting from scratch and selling out for the sake of a dollar. We're just possessed to skate and ride. And we'll do it until the day that we die.

Instagram: @riotskateco